I finished this piggy for a friend at about 1:30am last night (or this morning) and was so excited because it was so cute! I then grabbed the pig and my camera and headed down stairs to take some pics. Or shall I say, I BUTTed down stairs! I made it down the first 5 steps and then ate it! I mean it was so bad that Andres came running in so fast, I think he thought the roof was caving in. There I was...sitting on my sore A**, on the bottom step, crying. He was great, he ran straight over, asked what I hurt and tried picking me up...but I kept crying.
Again, he asked "what did you hurt"...
*sobs* "the PIGGY!"
"Liz, it's a pig...now what did you hurt"
"the Piggy!"
*slightly irritated* "You can make another pig, are you ok???"
"But the pig was so damn cute!"
SO I marched upstairs, took this picture and got to work on the Taylor Piggy #2...which is actually the piggy above...remember, I broke him before I made it down stairs to snap the pic!?!
Anyhow, I have been informed...the pig and I are not to hold the 2009 XGames in the house again tonight!