Today we took Connor to the San Diego Wild Animal Park for her birthday
Daddy bought her these diva Hannah Montana sunglasses...a little big but so worth it.
However, she was already tired of my picture taking...and we just got there!
She'd been asking to see the 'birdies' all that was our first stop
Then off to see the meerkats
Connor got up close and personal with this ram thing...while it peed...for like an hour straight!
We posed for a photo op as wait, I'm a flower
Connor walked through a log
and daddy got his head stuck in it
Connor still wasn't cooperating for my photo ops
They cooled off under the myst
And she actually pet these deer (?) by herself
The hugs, on the other hand, weren't such a hit.
We saw lots of elephants
her favorite was the baby
The lion was awesome! It was huge and just layed on the car
(btw-she looks like shes 5 in this pic...her legs look so long!)
She loved them too...but they slept the whole time. Their sign says they sleep 20 hours a day. What a life...I just want 20 hours a week!
Connor started dazzing after a we knew the day was coming to an end
Connor plays this game that Andres calls 'Mr. Macintosher'. She goes limp and just stares till you say "what happened to Connor?" It is way funny!
We only had a one small issue on our trip...Connor stood in an ant pile and I didn't notice till they were half way up her legs. I quickly hung up on my mom, screamed at dad to help, grabbed a water bottle and just started pouring. I think we handled it well and Connor stayed pretty calm. We did notice about 3 or 4 small bites on her leg, but she's doing well.
I, on the other hand, am Fried!
It was worth it and Happy Birthday Pumpkin!!
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