Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Our New Years was spent with the VanClan! We started off with snacks...Connor got her own cup due to the fact she used one chip as a spoon to eat just the dip...dip and lick, dip and lick...
Marisa and Derek joined the festivities and Connor loved on D all night!
Andres loved on him too!The kids kept themselves occupies with games...
At least I thought there were playing appears as though Madison got a hold of my camera and left me a nice suprise!
The adults played their own game of 90's trivial pursuit.
But Tina and I got tired of not knowing any of the answers, so we played with the camera too.Andres on the other hand, sat back and just answered to answer. It was the craziest thing...not only did he know most of the answers, he would just randomly blurt them out, forgetting who's turn it was, or wasn't!Then it hit midnight and we headed outside to make some noise. Afterwards heading back in to call it a night and say goodbye.
Tiffany and Madison gave Connor some lovin for the New Year (putting up a fight!)Thanks Vanclan, for a Happy New Year celebration!

*BTW-Andres is the living room reading the trivial pursuit questions right now, taking a refresher course I guess...just kidding, he's just one smart cookie! (i like cookies!)