Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Cousins

Lately Connor has had to opportunity to spend more and more time with her cousins
And we love them!!

Aren't they great?
Thanks for loving my pumpkin so much Hannah and Noah!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Our picture spot

Sometimes I have to capture those really cute days
even if she is still super sleepy
but she loves our picture mornings on these rocks
and later I will love looking back at the photos
I love my pumpkin!

Love a girl who can wear a hat

Just because it's cute

need I say anything?

Everyone should have pictures like these

But she is just so cute
and loves the camera
and making silly faces
with crazy hair
and this strange monster thing
and i love them all

Thursday, April 8, 2010

a different version of extreme sports

A couple weeks ago
ok, maybe a couple months ago,
Connor and I spent some time playing outside
We swung in the hammock
and threw some horseshoes
well, kinda threw
just not far
We practiced on her scooter
i love the helmet
and did rock climbing
finishing with a flying rocket
it was a good day
with no injuries

Birthdays and Boyfriends-already

After Christmas
(yes, I'm jumping around)
we celebrated Hannah's birthday.
Where Connor played with her friend Jack on the stairs for over an hour!
He is such a cutie (good job Michelle!) so I am pleased she has taken a great liking to him!
Jack: "Connor, your so pretty!"
Connor: "Oh Jack, Stop it!"
Connor: "Oh Jack, you're SO funny!"
Connor: "...and dreamy!"

and yes-i made up my own dialogs for all these pictures

The cutest assistant ever!

Let's call this the catchup game!

so bare with me!
Connor is finally getting big and old enough to help me bake
And we made gingerbread men for Heidi's annual cookie exchange
Connor played with this same piece of dough the whole time!
But had a blast.
*for some reason I can't grab and move my pictures-so they are a bit out of sorts...but so am I so were all good!

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Peep found my Rock

Apparently I have been living under a rock since Christmas-
but have gotten a lot done under that rock!

But before I catch you all up on the last couple months-
here's a quick 'peep' into what we did today!
I appliquéd this shirt last night for Connor to wear to Madison's kindergarten class today.
And she posed so well for all my pictures!
Playing peep-a-boo in the bushes

And here are the Easter favor Connor gave to her favorite 'peeps'!
Check out this blog for the tutorial and pdf header card.

So cute....So dollar friendly....and So simple!